10x Genomics Support/Cell Ranger/

Getting Started with Cell Ranger

Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM) is unsupported with GEM-X chemistry; therefore, Cell Ranger does not support BEAM/Antigen Capture libraries produced with this chemistry.
Starting with v8.0, support for Low Throughput (LT) libraries has been disabled in Cell Ranger. Please use v7.2 to analyze LT libraries.
Starting with v7.2, support for Targeted Gene Expression analysis has been disabled in Cell Ranger. Please use Cell Ranger v7.1 to analyze Targeted Gene Expression libraries.
What is Cell Ranger?

A set of analysis pipelines that perform sample demultiplexing, barcode processing, single cell 3' and 5' gene counting, V(D)J transcript sequence assembly and annotation, and Feature Barcode analysis from single cell data.