Support homeSingle Cell Immune ProfilingDocumentationLibrary Construction
Automated Gene Expression Library Construction

Automated Gene Expression Library Construction

  • CG000474_Automated Gene Expression Library Construction_UG_Rev_B.pdf

    User Guide, CG000474

    CG000474_Automated Gene Expression Library Construction_UG_Rev_B.pdf

    View and download
  • Sample Input File: CG000486_Chromium_Connect_Automation_Library_Construction_LIMS_Template_Rev_A.csv

    User Guide, CG000486

    Sample Input File: CG000486_Chromium_Connect_Automation_Library_Construction_LIMS_Template_Rev_A.csv

    View and download
  • Input File: CG000485_Chromium_Connect_Library_Construction_Input_File_Rev_A.xlsm

    User Guide, CG000485

    Input File: CG000485_Chromium_Connect_Library_Construction_Input_File_Rev_A.xlsm

    View and download


  • Automated Library Construction Kit, 24 rxns PN-1000428
  • Automated Library Construction Kit, 4 rxns PN-1000429
  • Dual Index Kit TT Set A, 96 rxns PN-1000215
Document Type
User Guide

Last Modified
June 9, 2023