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Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3' HT Reagent Kits v3.1 (Dual Index) with Feature Barcode technology for Cell Multiplexing

Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3' HT Reagent Kits v3.1 (Dual Index) with Feature Barcode technology for Cell Multiplexing

  • CG000419_Chromium_NextGEM_SingleCell3- HT v3.1_GeneExp_CMO_RevD.pdf

    User Guide, CG000419

    CG000419_Chromium_NextGEM_SingleCell3- HT v3.1_GeneExp_CMO_RevD.pdf

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For use with:

  • Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3' HT Kit v3.1, 48 rxns PN-1000348 | 8 rxns PN-1000370
  • Chromium Next GEM Chip M Single Cell Kit* 80 rxns PN-1000349 | 16 rxns PN-1000371
    (*Included with Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3' HT Kit v3.1; 16 rxn can also be ordered separately)
  • 3' Feature Barcode Kit 16 rxns PN-1000262
  • 3' CellPlex Kit Set A 48 rxns PN-1000261
  • Dual Index Kit TT Set A 96 rxns PN-1000215
  • Dual Index Kit NN Set A 96 rxns PN-1000243
Document Type
User Guide

Last Modified
October 13, 2022