Jul 24, 2019

Now Available On Demand: Analyzing and Visualizing Single Cell ATAC-seq Data

Kariena Dill

Our Chromium Single Cell ATAC (Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin) Solution makes it possible to interrogate chromatin accessibility cell by cell, allowing users to generate ATAC-seq data and providing powerful tools for analysis and visualization.

We invite you to watch this on demand 10x-pert webinar, Towards High Resolution Epigenomics - Analyzing and Visualizing Single Cell ATAC-seq Data, to gain a deeper look into our ATAC-seq solution.

In this webinar, 10x-perts Michael Campbell (Senior Software Engineer, Field Operations), Hank Tu (Staff Software Engineer, Field Operations), and Zuly Peralta (Support Scientist) walked through everything you need to know about ATAC-seq, including a live demonstration of data visualization with our Loupe Cell Browser. During the demonstration, Michael Campell showed how to identify cell types based on chromatin accessibility, find promoters and transcription factor motifs that differentiate distinct cell types, and leverage other data types such as ChIP-seq using the UCSC Genome Browser to support cell type identification. Stick around after the demo to listen in on the Q&A session, with our 10x-perts answered questions directly from the live attendees.

Watch the Webinar Now→

Additional Reading Single Cell ATAC Solution Page → Single Cell ATAC Product Literature→