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Single Cell Flex Tested Tissues

Single Cell Flex Tested Tissues

The tissue types listed below were tested in-house using:

Next GEM Flex Gene Expression (Fixed RNA Profiling)

  • Tissue Fixation & Dissociation for Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling Demonstrated Protocol (CG000553) or
  • Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit (CG000505) followed by the Fixation of Cells & Nuclei for Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling (CG000478)

GEM-X Flex Gene Expression

  • Tissue Fixation & Dissociation for GEM-X Flex Gene Expression (CG000783) or
  • Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit (CG000505) followed by the Fixation of Cells & Nuclei for GEM-X Flex Gene Expression (CG000782)

Listed below are the cell yields from 25 mg of various mouse and human tissue types (flash-frozen or fresh). Variability of performance may be observed based on sample handling, quality, composition, and other properties.

If in the middle of Chop/Fix experiments, we recommend keeping the enzymes consistent.

Mouse (Healthy) Tested Tissue List

  • List of mouse tissue types that were tested in-house for compatibility with Flex.
TissueTissue Fixation & Dissociation* (Flash-frozen tissue)Tissue Fixation & Dissociation* (Fresh tissue)Nuclei Isolation** (Flash-frozen tissue)Nuclei Isolation** (Fresh tissue)Additional Notes
AdiposeNot recommendedNot recommended3.00E+04Not testedHigh lipid content in adipose cells prevents cells from pelleting (cells are buoyant). Nuclei isolation recommended
Bladder7.00E+05Not tested1.70E+05Not tested
Brain (Forebrain)1.00E+067.90E+057.10E+053.00E+05
Brain (Cerebellum)Not tested3.10E+06Not tested5.20E+05
Brain (Whole)1.60E+068.40E+057.90E+057.00E+05
Colon2.20E+06Not tested9.80E+05Not tested
Eye1.60E+06Not tested3.70E+05Not tested
Heart9.90E+052.00E+063.00E+04Not testedLow yield; Tissue Fixation & Dissociation recommended
Muscle4.10E+05Not tested1.10E+04Not testedLower than expected yield using Nuclei Isolation Kit. Tissue Fixation & Dissociation protocol is recommended to improve cell yield.
Ovary3.20E+06Not tested1.20E+06Not tested
Pancreas1.80E+069.20E+052.70E+051.90E+04Tissue Dissociation & Fixation recommended; Digestion using Liberase TH 1 mg/mL recommended. No greater than 100k cells into Probe Hybridization for optimal performance.
Spinal Cord1.50E+06Not tested2.20E+05Not testedHigh debris
Spleen1.40E+076.30E+061.20E+055.30E+05Nuclei prone to clumping, Tissue Dissociation & Fixation recommended. No greater than 100k cells into Probe Hybridization for optimal performance.
Stomach2.50E+06Not tested3.60E+05Not tested
Testis4.20E+06Not tested8.60E+05Not tested
Thymus1.50E+072.60E+074.30E+047.90E+06Nuclei are prone to clumping. Tissue Fixation & Dissociation protocol recommended.
Tongue1.40E+06Not tested2.10E+04Not tested

Human Tested Tissue List

* List of human tissue types that were tested in-house and found to perform well with Flex.

TissueTissue Fixation & Dissociation* (Flash-frozen tissue)Tissue Fixation & Dissociation* (Fresh tissue)Nuclei Isolation** (Flash-frozen tissue)Nuclei Isolation** (Fresh tissue)Additional Notes
Jejunum1.37E+06Not tested4.18E+05Not tested
Colon4.00E+04Not tested6.10E+05Not testedLower than expected yield from 25 mg colon tissue; using >25 mg tissue recommended
Lung3.40E+06Not testedNot testedNot tested
Kidney2.00E+06Not testedNot testedNot tested
Liver1.80E+06Not tested6.60E+05Not tested
Spleen9.60E+06Not tested6.50E+06Not tested
Ileum1.40E+05Not tested2.37E+05Not tested
Testes2.05E+06Not tested8.08E+05Not tested
Duodenum3.20E+05Not tested1.28E+05Not tested
Breast Cancer9.60E+05Not tested9.20E+05Not tested
Melanoma3.18E+06Not tested5.98E+05Not tested
Ovarian Cancer9.30E+05Not tested6.93E+05Not tested
Pancreatic Cancer1.78E+06Not tested9.11E+05Not tested
Tonsils1.76E+07Not tested5.15E+05Not tested

* Tissue Fixation & Dissociation (CG000553)

** Nuclei Isolation (Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit, CG000505) followed by Sample fixation (CG000478)

Document Type
10x Genomics Sample Preparation Products

Last Modified
February 28, 2023