Loupe Browser

What is Loupe Browser?
Loupe Browser is a powerful visualization software that provides the intuitive functionality you need to explore and analyze your 10x Genomics Chromium and Visium data. You can also convert your Seurat objects into Loupe Browser files using the LoupeR package.
Loupe Browser v8.1 is now available!
Learn about Loupe Browser and get oriented with its interface and features.
Assay Analysis
Learn about product-specific analysis capabilities to quickly gain insights from your 10x data.
Visium manual alignment for Space Ranger
Identify fiducials, perform tissue selection and align CytAssist and microscope images for Visium HD. You will then export a JSON file for Space Ranger analysis.
Manually identify the fiducials in your Visium image and select spots under tissue. You will then export a JSON file for Space Ranger analysis.
Align your CytAssist image and microscope image. After you complete this step, you can either export a JSON file for Space Ranger automated fiducial and tissue detection, or continue to Visium Fiducial Alignment.
Release Notes
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Analysis Guides
A collection of introductions, tutorials, and blogs for data analysis beyond software.