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Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)

Single Cell Immune Profiling with Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)

What is Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)?

  • BEAM enables mapping antigens to discover novel antigen-specific Ig or T cell receptors

    • To learn more click here

Currently available Feature Barcode kits for Single Cell Immune Profiling

10x SolutionTCR/IgGene ExpressionCell Surface MarkerImmune Receptor Mapping with dCODE™ Dextramer®CRISPRBarcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)
Single Cell Immune Profiling----
Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein--
Single Cell Immune Profiling with CRISPR screening---
Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein & CRISPR--
Single Cell Immune Profiling with Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping---
Single Cell Immune Profiling with Cell Surface Protein & Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping--



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    Last Modified
    December 6, 2022