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1k Nuclei from BJ Fibroblast Euploid Cell Line

Single Cell CNV dataset analyzed using Cell Ranger DNA 1.0.0

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Overview: Nuclei from BJ Fibroblast Euploid Cell Line acquired from ATCC (ATCC® CRL-2522™) Nuclei were extracted from a BJ cell line cultured at 10X, passaged 3 times and grown to confluence to synchronize cell into a G1 maintaining state

  • Num Cells: 1099
  • Total Sequencing Reads: 2.3 billion
  • Median Effective Reads per Mb: 434
  • Sequencer: Novaseq
  • Read Construct: 100 (R1), 8 (i7), 100 (R2)
  • Any special pipeline parameters: No

This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.