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Cloud Analysis

Cloud Analysis

What is Cloud Analysis?

10x Genomics Cloud Analysis is a platform for data management, analysis, and collaboration to simplify and accelerate the interpretation of 10x Genomics datasets. Cloud Analysis makes it easier than ever to run 10x analysis pipelines and manage your experimental data.

Go to Cloud AnalysisSupported pipelines and products

If you are a member of a core lab or service provider, see how Cloud Analysis can help improve your workflow.

Workflow & tutorials

  1. 1

    Create Projects

    Projects are where you upload data and run analysis pipelines. People typically create projects for each experiment. You can upload different samples to a single project.

  2. 2

    Upload FASTQ files

    Upload FASTQ files either directly from your web browser or via the 10x Genomics Cloud CLI

    Uploading files via web browserUploading files via the CLI
  3. 3

    Create Analyses

    After uploading, select the FASTQ sets that you want to use as analysis inputs. Then configure your pipeline settings and start the analysis.

  4. 4

    Download Results

    You can optionally receive an email when your analysis completes. When your results are ready, you can download the analysis outputs and explore your data using Loupe Browser or a variety of community analysis tools.

  5. 5

    Optional workflow steps

    10x Genomics pre-built human, mouse, and barnyard references are available for all users. You may optionally upload your own custom references to use in the analyses on your account

Release Notes

We regularly add new features to 10x Genomics Cloud. Find details about the updates and improvements on this page.


Find information about our free usage policies and optional paid services.