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Chromium Single Cell Applications - Guidelines for Optimal Sample Preparation

Chromium Single Cell Applications - Guidelines for Optimal Sample Preparation

  • CG000126_Cell_counting_flowchart_RevA.pdf

    Technical Note, CG000126


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Quick Reference Card - Chromium™ Single Cell Applications - Guidelines for Optimal Sample Preparation

This Technical Note diagrams the optimal sample preparation workflow for cell preparation and cell counting prior to loading the sample into the 10x Genomics workflow.


  • Chromium Single Cell 3’ Gene Expression Assays (v3, v3.1, v3.1 Dual Index, HT v3.1 Dual Index)
  • Chromium Single Cell 5’ Immune Profiling Assays (v1, v1.1, v2, HT v2)
Document Type
Technical Note

Last Modified
March 14, 2023