Mar 28, 2017

Meet 10x's Lauren Wong

Shauna Clark

Women’s History Month is all about sharing the stories of women who’ve helped shape our world. And, here at 10x, we love any opportunity to highlight the contributions of women, especially when it comes to scientific discovery. But, instead of focusing on the great women of the past, we're featuring women who are making a difference in science right now. We talked to four 10x’ers about how they got into science, what they do at 10x, and how we can all promote women in science, and we'll be posting each of their profiles periodically throughout the rest of the month.

We're starting this week off with Lauren Wong, a member of our production team!

My name is Lauren and I majored in bioengineering for my BS/MS, but my interest began in high school when I learned about the potential of stem cells. I pursued bioengineering because of its focus on problem solving in human health issues. In school, my research concentrated on understanding and directing stem cell differentiation to treat osteoarthritis.  At 10x, I work on the production team and my responsibilities include formulating bulk reagent, filling reagent tubes, gel bead production, packaging the final goods, and qualifying manufacturing equipment.

I believe we can promote women in science by hosting workshops for each age group (girls/women in school) to encourage and maintain their interest in pursuing science. We can also host events that showcase the accomplishments of women in science. By focusing on specific women who have demonstrated their creativity in coming up with solutions as well as their ability to execute those solutions, we can raise awareness about issues such as human/environmental health and promote women’s involvement in solving them.