What is Epi ATAC?
Chromium Epi ATAC (Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin) analyzes thousands of unique open chromatin fragments genome-wide with single cell resolution.
We provide resources from protocols, user guides, and free-to-use analysis tools.
Plan ahead by referring to the list of equipment, kits, and reagents needed for Single Cell ATAC.
Prepare optimal single cell/nuclei suspension by following our Demonstrated Protocols.
Refer to instrument-specific documents for seamless instrument operation.
Construct a sequencing-ready single cell library by following our step-by-step User Guide / Protocol.
Sequence your single cell library as per our provided recommendations.
Analyze your single cell data using our pipelines, visualization, and Cloud Analysis tools.
Access free, publicly available data from a number of different sample types generated with Chromium single cell solutions.

Explore how-to videos and training modules.
Find answers to common technical questions, from sample prep through data analysis, about Chromium single cell workflows.

Read key peer-reviewed research publications offering greater insights into biology, enabled by 10x Genomics products and technologies.