10x Genomics Cloud Analysis

Fast and free analysis, for every sample

Cloud Analysis is a web-based application for running Cell Ranger pipelines on 10x Genomics' cloud infrastructure. Accelerate data interpretation with no additional costs.

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Cloud analysis data

Quickly process sequencing data, at no additional cost

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Access the fastest Cell Ranger turnaround time
No queuing or waiting is required to process data on Cloud Analysis. Instantly get access to the latest versions of 10x’s analysis pipelines.
Graphic showing a comparison of the time it takes to process 30,000 cells using Cell Ranger on various infastructures

Time to process 30,000 cells using Cell Ranger multi v8.0

Typical results based on a time trial. Actual time may vary.

Supported products

Seamlessly analyze the diverse range of 10x Genomics assays

See all supported pipelines and products
    Coming in 2024

    Spatial HD Gene Expression

    Icon for Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Flex

    Single Cell Gene Expression Flex

    Icon for Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression

    Single Cell 3’ Gene Expression

    Icon for Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling

    Single Cell 5’ Gene Expression

    Icon for Chromium Single Cell V(D)J

    Single Cell V(D)J

    Icon for Chromium Feature Barcode technologies

    Feature Barcode Technology

    Including Cell Surface Protein, Antigen Specificity, and CRISPR Guide
    Icon for Chromium Single Cell Multiome

    Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression

Free usage for all 10x datasets
What's included at no additional cost for Cloud Analysis users processing 10x Genomics datasets

Frequently Asked Questions

10x Genomics Cloud Analysis is a platform for data management, analysis, and collaboration to simplify and accelerate the interpretation of 10x Genomics datasets. Cloud Analysis makes it easier than ever to run 10x analysis pipelines and manage your experimental data.

Cloud Analysis provides free limits that allow all users to process data on a per-sample basis. Each uploaded 10x Genomics library comes with a set of analysis pipeline runs, a free data storage period, and free data downloads. Beyond these limits, pay only for what you use with no upfront commitment. Paid transactions above free limits are only available in the United States and Canada. For more information on billing, visit our support site.

Cloud Analysis is available globally with the exception of China, Hong Kong, and countries subject to U.S. embargo. For more information on regional availability, visit our support site.

We care about securing your data and protecting your user account. We have a number of security protocols and practices in place including data encryption, the use of analysis tools to scan for vulnerabilities, and 24/7 monitoring of security-related events. To learn more, visit our support site or read our information security whitepaper.

Cloud Analysis allows you to transfer projects from one user account to another user account. In the Project Settings page of each project, you will find a place to enter the email address of the person you'd like to transfer the project to.

We expect to add more collaboration features over time, including the ability to invite multiple users to the same project.

Continue exploring data with the 10x toolkit
Loupe Browser interface
Interactively visualize your data with Loupe Browser
Loupe Browser is a desktop application for Windows and MacOS that allows you to use the Loupe File from your 10x analysis outputs and interactively visualize data.
Start accelerating your data analysis with Cloud Analysis today
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