10k Human K562-r Cells, Singleplex Sample (Next GEM)
Flex Gene Expression dataset analyzed using Cell Ranger 7.0.0

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Human chronic myelogenous Leukemia cell line K562-r was obtained by 10x Genomics from ATCC (CRL-3344). Cells were fixed for 1 hour at room temperature following the demonstrated protocol Fixation of Cells & Nuclei for Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling (CG000478).
Fixed RNA Gene Expression library was generated as described in the Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling for Singleplexed Samples with Feature Barcode technology for Cell Surface Protein User Guide (CG000477) using the Chromium X and sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq6000 with approximately 33k read pairs per cell.
- 11,645 cells detected
- Paired-end, dual indexing: 28 cycles Read 1, 10 cycles i7, 10 cycles i5, 90 cycles Read 2
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. 10x citation guidelines available here.