NA12878 Germline Exome v2
Genome & Exome dataset analyzed using Long Ranger 2.2.1
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NA12878 Germline Exome v2 Chromium Genome v2 Dataset by Long Ranger 2.2.1 Cell line from female of European descent - Details
- Chromium Genome v2
- Agilent Exome v6
- IDT blocking
- Sequencing volume: 7.25 Gb
- Sequencer: Illumina HiSeq 4000
- Input mass: 1.5 ng
- variant caller: GATK 3.8
- run with --downsample=7.25 --cnvfilter=agilent_v6r2_cnvfilter.bed
- cnv filter file - agilent_v6r2_cnvfilter.bed
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.