VERTEBRATE: An outbred dog called Ruby
De Novo Assembly dataset analyzed using Supernova 2.0.0

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An outbred dog called Ruby.
- Sequencer: HiSeq 2500
- Input mass: 1.25 ng
- Number of reads: 866.00 M
- Genome size (estimated): 2.407 Gb
- Raw coverage: 54.0 x
- Inferred molecule length: 81 Kb
- N50 Contig Length: 100 Kb
- N50 Phase Block: 3.7 Mb
- N50 Scaffold Length: 36 Mb
- Analysis run with --maxreads=866000000
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. 10x citation guidelines available here.