Human Prostate Cancer, Adenocarcinoma with Invasive Carcinoma (FFPE)
Spatial Gene Expression dataset analyzed using Space Ranger 1.3.0

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10x Genomics obtained FFPE human prostate tissue from Indivumed Human Tissue Specimens. The tissue was annotated with Adenocarcinoma, Invasive Carcinoma. The tissue was sectioned as described in Visium Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE – Tissue Preparation Guide Demonstrated Protocol (CG000408). Tissue sections of 5 µm were placed on Visium Gene Expression slides, then stained following Deparaffinization, H&E Staining, Imaging & Decrosslinking Demonstrated Protocol (CG000409).
- Block 1E500_Tp12 Section 1
- Stage III
- Total Gleason score: 7
- Sex: Male
The H&E image was acquired using Metafer Slide Scanning Microscope from MetaSystems with these settings:
- Zeiss Plan-Apochromat 20x objective
- Numerical Aperture: 0.8
- ScopeLED light source
- MetaSystems CoolCube 4c camera
Libraries were prepared following the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Reagent Kits for FFPE User Guide (CG000407 Rev A).
- Sequencing instrument: Illumina NovaSeq, flow cell H23WTDMXY (lane 2)
- Sequencing depth: 23,087 reads per spot
- Sequencing configuration: 28bp read 1 (16bp Visium spatial barcode, 12bp UMI), 50bp read2 (transcript), 10bp i7 sample barcode and 10bp i5 sample barcode
- Dual-Index set SI-TS-F8
- Slide: V11J26-003
- Area: B1
Key metrics were:
- Spots detected under tissue: 4,371
- Median genes per spot: 5,391
- Median UMI counts per spot: 12,844
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. 10x citation guidelines available here.