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Xenium Explorer Demos and Datasets

Xenium Explorer Demos and Datasets

Example Xenium In Situ Gene Expression datasets are available for download on the 10x datasets webpage.

For the following 10x public datasets, you can explore the data without needing to download the output files in web demonstrations of Xenium Explorer. The features in the web demo links reflect most of the features available in the latest desktop version of Xenium Explorer. The Xenium Analyzer (XA) pipeline software version is shown in the Sample column.

SampleDataset page(s)Demo
Human lymph node: XA v3.0 preview Xenium Prime data with multimodal cell segmentation and post-Xenium H&E, custom gene groups, and cell type groupsDownload files
Web demo

Human lung cancer: XA v2.0 preview with multimodal cell segmentation and post-Xenium H&EDownload files
Web demo

Human pancreatic cancer: XA v1.6 with imported post-Xenium H&E and IF images, custom gene and cell groupsExplore dataset, download files
Web demo

Mouse brain: XA v1.0 with custom gene groupsExplore dataset, download files
Web demo

Human breast cancer: XA v1.0 preview with imported post-Xenium H&E and custom gene groupsExplore dataset, download files
Web demo